Losing Teeth or Melting Teeth

This seems to be an universal theme for many people.  What is more interesting is understanding what the dream means.  Pay close attention to what is going on during the dream.  How are people's reaction to you losing your teeth and most importantly, how do you feel about losing your teeth?

1 comment:

  1. Had my very first dream about losing my teeth. In my dream, I was brushing my teeth and my two front teeth melted before my eyes. The only thing left were my gums, all raw and swollen. I drove to my dentist's office to schedule an emergency visit but strangely, he seemed unaffected about my teeth. He told me in the dream, that my teeth will grow back and not to panic. Not to panic, I thought! I have front teeth anymore!
    The details that I remember most about this dream is that I really felt weirded out that I don't have front teeth anymore. And everything in my dream had a water element to it. The bathroom floors were always somewhat damp, the walls were damp, there was the sound of a leaky toilet.
    I woke up in a panic and checked my front teeth. Yes, they were still there. I have a full set of teeth!
